Home | Façade Refurbishment in Bilbao: ETICS or Ventilated?
Home | Façade Refurbishment in Bilbao: ETICS or Ventilated?

Façade Refurbishment in Bilbao: ETICS or Ventilated?

by | Mar 8, 2024

Discover the steps to renovate your façade in Bilbao or Bizkaia. SATE or Ventilated Facade: Which is the best option for your residential building?

Are you looking to transform the appearance and energy efficiency of your building in Bilbao or elsewhere in Bizkaia?

Façade refurbishment is a crucial task that not only improves the aesthetic appearance of a building, but can also increase its value and reduce energy costs in the long term. But what are the necessary steps to carry out a façade renovation in Bizkaia? Which system is the most suitable: SATE or ventilated façade? Read on to find out! 

Steps for the Rehabilitation of Façades in Bilbao or Bizkaia

When you embark on the rehabilitation of your building's façade in Bizkaia, it is crucial to follow a careful and methodical process. Here are the essential steps:

1️⃣ Evaluación inicial

Before starting any work, it is essential to carry out an assessment of the façade. To do this, a team of expert architects in rehabilitation will carry out this inspection to identify the existing problems (damp, cracks, discolouration, detachments...) and determine the best solutions.  

2️⃣ Planificación del proyecto

Once the façade has been assessed, the project planning proceeds. This is where it is decided whether the SATE or ventilated façade are the most suitable options for your building in Bizkaia. This decision will be based on a number of factors, including budget, local climatic conditions and aesthetic preferences in relation to the original façade.

3️⃣ Obtención de permisos

Before starting any refurbishment work, it is necessary to obtain the corresponding permits and licences from the local authorities in Bizkaia. The team of architects will take care of this process so that you don't have to worry about the bureaucratic details.

4️⃣ Ejecución del proyecto

Once all the necessary permits have been obtained, the façade renovation project will be carried out. The technical team together with the construction company will carry out the work in a professional and efficient manner, guaranteeing high quality results.

5️⃣ Inspección final y mantenimiento

Once the rehabilitation of the façade has been completed, a final inspection will be carried out to ensure that everything is in order, according to the architectural project. In addition, recommendations will be provided for the ongoing maintenance of the façade, ensuring its long-term durability.

SATE or Ventilated Facade: Which is the Best Option for your Building in Bilbao or Bizkaia?

Now that we have reviewed the necessary steps for the rehabilitation of façades in Bizkaia, it is time to address the key question: SATE or ventilated façade? 

SATE (Exterior Thermal Insulation System):

El SATE consiste en revestir la fachada con placas de aislamiento térmico fijadas al exterior con adhesivo y mecánicamente. Es una opción popular debido a su relativo bajo costo y su capacidad para mejorar la eficiencia energética del edificio. En el siguiente vídeo se explican los pasos para colocar un SATE en una fachada existente: 

Ventilated façade:

The ventilated façade, on the other hand, involves the installation of a substructure system over which the finish panel is placed, creating an air gap between the insulation and the new cladding. Although more costly, it offers additional benefits such as increased protection against moisture and noise, and greater durability. On the other hand, the finish of the ventilated façade is more versatile as a wide variety of finishes can be chosen: ceramic, composite, stone, etc. In the following video you can see the construction process of a ventilated façade with rock wool insulation and ceramic finish:

Which Should You Choose: ETICS or Ventilated Facade?

Both facades are excellent options for improving the energy and aesthetic performance of a home. On the one hand, the SATE façade stands out for its efficiency in thermal insulation, while the ventilated façade excels in thermal, acoustic and ventilation control.

📏 Espesor de la fachada

One of the big differences is the thickness of the new façade: the SATE is around 8-12cm and the ventilated façade around 18-22cm. This characteristic will be decisive in balconies and clotheslineswhere you want to grow as little as possible due to space requirements.

🧱 Acabado y materialidad

The SATE has an acrylic finish to which a colour defined in the architectural project will be applied. There are also ETICS with ceramic finishes, but they are less common. In this case, thehe ventilated facade offers a wide variety of materialsThe versatility of these products is much greater, from ceramics of all kinds, to stone, wood, composite and metal finishes.

💸 Price

In any case, the price of the SATE will always be more economical than that of a ventilated façade. This is due to the lower technical complexity of the system and the level of finish of the façade.

The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs of the project, considering factors such as the local climate, the available budget and the aesthetic preferences of the client. At Nistal ArchitectsWe are here to help you make the best decision for your building in Bizkaia.


Ready to Transform the Façade of your Building in Bilbao or Bizkaia?

If you are ready to start the process of rehabilitating the facade of your building in Bilbao or Bizkaia, do not hesitate to contact us! At Nistal Arquitectos, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to carry out your project successfully, see our refurbishment projects. There are also subsidies from the Basque Government that are decisive in promoting this type of renovation: see here. Contact us in the form below if you have any questions.

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