Home | Happy Holidays: The Architectural Challenges for 2025
Home | Happy Holidays: The Architectural Challenges for 2025

Happy Holidays: The Architectural Challenges for 2025

by | Dec 16, 2024

As we close the year 2024, we look ahead to 2025 with great expectations and major challenges in the world of architecture, construction and housing rehabilitation. At Nistal Arquitectos we would like to wish you a happy holiday season and share some thoughts on the challenges that lie ahead. Because what we build today defines tomorrow.

1. The housing shortage: a problem that urgently needs to be solved

In many cities, homelessness is an increasingly palpable reality. In the Basque Country, as elsewhere, access to housing is a challenge, and the solutions are not simple. New construction must be sustainable and well planned so as not to compromise the territory or resources.

At Nistal Arquitectos, we believe it is essential to work on projects that offer innovative solutions to increase the housing stock, without forgetting the importance of integrating these developments into the urban environment in a responsible manner.


2. Energy rehabilitation: key to sustainability

Climate change is forcing us to rethink how we use and we renovate buildings. In the Basque Country, many buildings are old and inadequately insulatedemissions, resulting in high energy consumption. Energy rehabilitation not only reduces CO2 emissions, but also improves the quality of life of the inhabitants and lowers their energy bills.

From the installation of thermal insulation systems to the incorporation of more efficient installations, these measures are essential to move towards more sustainable cities.


3. Universal accessibility: a right for all

With an increasingly ageing population, ensuring universal accessibility is more important than ever. Many homeowners' communities face the challenge of adapt their buildings installing lifts, removing architectural barriers and rehabilitating communal spaces.

In 2025, one of our goals is to continue to help communities transform their properties into inclusive and accessible spaces for all, regardless of age or ability.


4. Safety in old buildings: a priority

The average age of buildings in the Basque Country is 48 years, and in Bilbao it is over 56. With nearly 90,000 buildings built before 1960, maintenance is a critical issue. Structural pathologies, damp and other problems derived from the ageing of buildings can put their inhabitants at risk.

The Technical Inspection of Buildings (ITE) is essential to guarantee safety. At Nistal Arquitectos we are committed to continuing to produce technical reports and supervise the necessary interventions to ensure that buildings comply with safety standards.


5. Public support: the engine of rehabilitation

Building renovation would not be possible without the support of public aid. In the Basque Country, programmes such as the Next Generation (now finished) or the aid from the Basque Government are essential for homeowners' associations to address structural, energy and accessibility improvements.

In 2025, we will work hand in hand with our customers to managing this aidThe projects can be made more affordable and benefit both the owners and the urban environment.


Conclusion: building a better future

2025 brings us great challenges, but also opportunities to transform our cities into more sustainable, safe and accessible places. At Nistal Arquitectos we are ready to face this new year with energy and commitment.

We wish you a joyful holiday season and a happy new year. Let us continue to build a better world together.

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