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Home | Aid for housing renovation in the Basque Country

Aid for housing renovation in the Basque Country

by | Feb 6, 2024

Find out how to access the grants offered by the Basque Government for the renovation of residential buildings in the Basque Country. This article will guide you through the requirements and the application process for these subsidies.
Ayudas a la rehabilitación de viviendas en Euskadi

Are you thinking of refurbishing your residential building, either individually or with your community of owners? For this purpose, there are some grants available for the renovation of housing in the Basque Country: the "ORDER of 21 July 2021".managed by the Basque Government.

The refurbishment of residential buildings in the Basque Country is essential to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. habitability, accessibility and energy efficiency of the existing building stock. Therefore, thehe Basque Government is committed to rehabilitation through an aid programme aimed at these improvements. These initiatives are divided into three distinct lines (Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3). They range from individual works to comprehensive and efficient refurbishment projects.


🏡 Line 1: Private Works

This line is aimed at works or rehabilitations on single-family homes or in exclusive features of buildings under the horizontal property regime, both in dwellings and in premises used as dwellings. There are 4 types of works for the refurbishment of housing in the Basque Country. See link.

Types of works:

1️⃣ Type 1: Conservation and habitability
2️⃣ Type 2: Energy rehabilitation
3️⃣ Type 3: Improving accessibility
4️⃣ Type 4: General building finish conforms to the principles of good construction.


🏢 Line 2: Community works

This line covers rehabilitations of homeowners' associations aimed at improving habitability, enabling access for people with disabilities and reducing energy consumption. See link.

The actions supported are the following:

1️⃣ Type 1: Conservation, security and habitability. Maximum of €25,000 per portal.
2️⃣ Type 2: Energy rehabilitation. Maximum €50,000 - 65,000 per portal.
3️⃣ Type 3: Improvement of accessibility. Maximum €30,000 per portal.
4️⃣ Type 4: General building finish conforms to the principles of good construction.


🏛️ Line 3: Efficient and comprehensive community rehabilitation works

This line addresses rehabilitation projects with a comprehensive approach, including:

1️⃣ Energy efficiency.
2️⃣ Accessibility.
3️⃣ Fire safety.
4️⃣ Possibility of extending terraces (not compulsory)

Aimed at residential condominium buildings, this initiative seeks to transform the Basque Country's building stock into a safer, more efficient and sustainable one. See link.


What are the requirements for buildings?

Residential buildings of multi-family typology with a minimum of 4 dwellings.
Built before 1980.
Buildings complying with the town planning and structural requirements of Decree 317/2002 of 30 December 2002
They must have completed the technical inspection of the building (ITE) prior to the formalisation of the application.
Buildings lacking in accessibility, energy efficiency and fire safety.
They must comply with the minimum habitability conditions laid down in Annex IV to Decree 317/2002 of 30 December 2002.


♿ Accessibility aids


On the other hand, a special line of subsidy has been created to improve accessibility, aimed at the over 65s and people with reduced mobility. Covers works individuals and communitiesThe amounts range from €9,000 to €25,000 depending on the family income, but do not exceed €12,000.

This amount can cover a significant part of the costs associated with accessibility works, making this grant line an invaluable tool to promote more inclusive and accessible environments.

📝 Requirements for accessing housing renovation grants in the Basque Country

In order to access aid for housing renovation in the Basque Country, the requirements vary depending on whether the beneficiaries are individuals, financial institutions or buildings.


What are the requirements for Beneficiary Persons or Entities?

✅ They must be the owner, lessee, usufructuary or holder of rights in rem over the property to be rehabilitated.
✅ Be up to date with tax and social security obligations.
✅ Justify that they are not subject to any prohibitions on obtaining the status of beneficiary by means of a declaration of responsibility.
If the rehabilitation is on common elements, the president of the Community of Property Owners must apply for the aid.
Buildings lacking in accessibility, energy efficiency and fire safety.
Those who are under the circumstances described in Articles 13.2 and 13.3 of the General Law on Subsidies, as well as those who have been criminally or administratively sanctioned with the loss of the possibility of receiving public subsidies, are not eligible for aid.


What are the requirements for buildings?


Buildings, single-family dwellings and private parts of buildings used mainly for residential purposes are eligible for support.
The building must be more than 20 years old, unless it is damaged in a way that affects its safety and stability, or for the removal of architectural barriers in dwellings inhabited by persons over 65 years of age or with reduced mobility.
✅ The Technical Building Inspection (ITE) must have been carried out before applying for aid and registered at the Town Hall, regardless of the age of the building, including farmhouses.
✅ For community comprehensive and efficient renovation works, buildings must be multi-family residential buildings with at least four dwellings and pre-dating 1980. They must demonstrate joint deficiencies in energy efficiency and accessibility.


 Are you thinking of refurbishing your building?


In the last few years we have worked with residents' associations and property administrators, offering comprehensive solutions and managing aid for the renovation of buildings in the Basque Country (see projects). In the process, many questions arise in relation to aid. On Nistal Architects we specialise in this type of work. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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