Home | Lift to zero level: Improving accessibility in Bilbao and Bizkaia
Home | Lift to zero level: Improving accessibility in Bilbao and Bizkaia

Lift to zero level: Improving accessibility in Bilbao and Bizkaia

by | Feb 13, 2024

Find out how the lowering of the lift to zero level is transforming accessibility in buildings in Bilbao and Bizkaia. Find out about the benefits of this operation, the steps necessary for its execution, the costs and time involved, as well as the subsidies from the Basque Government.

💡 What is the lowering of the lift to zero level and why is it necessary?

Lowering the lift to zero level is a process that involves adjusting the lift stop to the level of the floor where the doorway is located. In Bilbao and Bizkaia, this measure is becoming more and more necessary due to the importance of guaranteeing the accessibility in urban environments.

With the increasing awareness of the importance of inclusion and mobility for all people, regardless of their physical abilities, the installation of zero level lifts has become a priority in improving the accessibility of buildings.


✅ Benefits of the operation

The benefits of bringing the lift down to zero level are plentiful and encompass both the comfort and safety of residents and visitors:

📌 Significant improvement in accessibility for all people, especially those with reduced mobility.

📌 Increased comfort and speed of movement within the building.

📌 Increased safety by eliminating the risks associated with stairs and slopes.

📌 Revaluation of the property and improvement of the quality of life of residents.

In addition, the lowering of the lift to ground level is usually carried out in conjunction with the reform of the portal. This improves the aesthetics of the buildings' entrances and saves costs by carrying out both works at the same time.


💸 What steps are to be followed on the construction site: Costs and timescales?

The process of bringing the lift down to zero level involves several steps, ranging from planning to execution of the works:

📌 Initial assessment of the needs and characteristics of the building.

📌 Detailed project design and planning.

📌 Obtaining the necessary permits and authorisations.

Costs and times may vary depending on the complexity of the project and the characteristics of the building. It is important to consult with professionals to obtain an accurate estimate.

For these reasons, it is necessary to have an architect carry out the design in accordance with municipal and Technical Building Code regulations (C.T.E).

The following video illustrates in a simple way the steps to be followed when lowering a lift to zero level:

🏗️ Is it Possible in All Buildings?

Not all buildings present the same conditions for the installation of lifts at ground level. Some may require minimal modifications, such as adjustments to the lift stop and removal of a few steps, while others may require more extensive works, such as expropriation of premises or construction of new infrastructure.

It is crucial to assess each case individually to determine specific needs and requirements.


💰 There are grants from the Basque Government and Surbisa

In order to facilitate the improvement of accessibility in buildings, the Basque Government and SURBISA (Bilbao) are offering subsidies and aid for the installation of lifts at zero level. These subsidies can help to reduce project costs and make the project more accessible to residents' associations.

Grants from the Basque Government

The Basque Government offers aid for housing renovations to improve the accessibility, energy efficiency and conservation of buildings. These subsidies can cover up to a quarter of the total budget, depending on the type of renovation and the situation of the owner.

2. Aid from the Bilbao City Council (SURBISA)

SURBISA is the body in charge of managing grants for the renovation of buildings in Bilbao. Depending on the location and type of refurbishment, subsidies can be obtained for the improvement of façades, roofs, energy efficiency and accessibility.



Lowering the lift to zero level is an essential measure to improve accessibility and quality of life for residents in Bilbao and Bizkaia. By providing a practical and safe solution for mobility within buildings, it contributes to the creation of more inclusive and accessible environments for all.


Are you thinking of building a lift at ground level?

At Nistal Arquitectos, we have experience in the planning and execution of works to improve accessibility, including the lowering of lifts to zero level (see projects). If you are considering carrying out work on your building, do not hesitate to contact us and ask for a quote.

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